Ayşe Erkmen- 1988 - 1989

“Here and There”
(14 March-15 April 1989)
The installation was made from three-dimensional iron constructions spliced together. The artist talk was held during the exhibition later published as “Edition 7”.
Articles about the exhibition:
- Necmi Sönmez, “Sonsuzluk Arayışları”, 2000’e Doğru, 2 April 1989.
- Lale Filoğlu, “Bak, Sorgula ve Keşfet”, Cumhuriyet newspaper, 8 April 1989.
- Canan Beykal, “Ayşe Erkmen Burası ve Orası Enstalasyonu”, Marie Clarie magazine, May 1989.
- Anonymous, “Erkmen’in ‘Burası ve Orası’”, Cumhuriyet newspaper, 14 March 1989.