Füsun Onur- 2012 - 2013

(9 October-1 December 2012)
By using materials such as paper clips and tape in her work, Onur’s installation has been exhibited.
Articles about the exhibition:
- Merve Ünsal, “Füsun Onur’s ‘Variations’ at Maçka Sanat Galerisi”, İstanbul, art agenda, 8 November 2012.
- Anonymous, “Füsun Onur’dan ‘Çeşitlemeler’”, Habertürk newspaper, 11 October 2012.
- Anonymous, “Füsun Onur’dan Enstelasyon Çeşitlemeleri”, Bianet, 9 October 2012.
“Maçka has a very special place for me. Whenever Rabia suggests opening an exhibition or asks me to create an artwork I never let her down and I work fast. For example, when she said, “I want to open the first exhibition with you” I find new ideas quickly. Maybe it is because I'm used to this gallery and I know it well. I used to come to meetups here during the opening and closing of the exhibitions. Today these meetings continue…This place is not a white cube but this has never been a problem for me at all, in fact, I created in relation with the squares of the exhibition in my last exhibition.”
Füsun Onur (20.01.2016)